Client work:

CherryPicks is a source for Movie + TV recommendations, reads, reviews, and interviews, exclusively from female and non-binary critics. I designed a series of motion graphics systems for each of CherryPicks’ digital properties that can be easily updated with new content to streamline post-production for the high volume of videos CherryPicks creates.

Client work:
Dictator Lunches
by Jenny Mollen

Jenny Mollen’s Dictator Lunches takes a playful and whimsical approach to packing school lunches and pleasing picky eaters. I created a series of recipe videos for Jenny’s Instagram Reels + TikTok using fast-paced editing and quirky graphics to convey her personality.

Client work:

TikToks and an original TikTok filter.

Animation REEL

Some fun art projects I’ve created in Cinema4D and After effects.